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Coming Soon - Flow with Felicity

Felicity Hodkinson

Updated: Feb 8, 2024

Each month, starting March 2024 I'm launching Flow with Felicity: an email sharing questions for self-reflection; quotes to inspire action; stories to resonate with and resources to support you with your work.

In the spirit of my company name, Bend the River, it's going to be called Flow with Felicity. The intention is to remind you to check in with 'How are you flowing?' and support your self-awareness and development.

This question can be turned inwards towards your own personal state, or outwards towards your key relationships. Those as leader or those as coach.

You can use it to look backwards, to look back up stream. And I'll be doing some of this each month. Reflecting on what's shaped how I have been in Flow.

In the first few weeks of January, I felt like my flow was frozen, like the rivers in the high Swiss alps. I noticed a strong reluctance to leave the cocoon of being with family. I did not want to allow more people back into my daily life. At the same time, I could hear a voice of judgement creeping in. It was measuring me against others posting all the many New Year resolutions saying, 'come on, get going, you're getting left behind; being forgotten'.

What helped me? Noticing it was a voice of judgement.

I've learnt that taking action off the back of this voice, takes me to a too forceful place of action. It's like running into a room and blowing a trumpet, saying I'm here, listen to me. And that never ends the way I like.

Next, I gave myself permission to honour a slow transition back into work life.

This is not to say it was slow, but I chose not to judge myself for it being slow, just to notice what was easier and what was harder.

One thing that always supports me when there is less Flow, is morning Yoga with Adriene. Each year, in January, she lands a 30 day programme and this years was exceptionally good; both nurturing the soul and strengthening the body. Find the FREE 2024 programme on YouTube here. Sync your breath and body for some mindfulness in action. It always calms and centres me. I love that you can tap into this at any time that suits you.

And the question 'How are you Flowing NOW?' is great for bringing your self into the present moment.

So for a second resource to support my Flow, I tapped into a technique I have used for many years which helps me see what is going on. It's a simple mapping process with post its that connects me to the different forces in my life and how they are working with and against each other. This helps me accept what is, and experiment with shifts to improve my Flow. You can find the exercise here. 

It helped me see that whilst I was enjoying the post Christmas cocoon, my desire to be seen was actually a need for the stimulation and energy of my work peers. Reaching out for conversations and gradually opening back up has bought me back into a much greater Flow state.

I end the month celebrating (and metaphorically, the river is thawing and starting to flow):

  1. Sharing 5 tips for career coaching with an article in The Guardian

  2. Receiving my Diploma for Supervision: A Relational Change Process. I love this work, and am excited to offer more supervising to coaches in 2024

  3. Accidentally getting a small group going for ICF Mentor Coaching. See how it happened with Liz Dunphy on Linked In. Maybe you'd like to do something similar and gather your own group?

I happened to ski past this river and it felt like it captured my Flow for January 2024.

And then there is 'How do I/we hope to Flow?' This is the future looking question. It brings attention and consciousness to our way of being, rather than our way of doing for the month ahead.

As we look at the month ahead, what does it look like it is bringing? What are you looking forward to? Dreading? Uncertain of? What will shape your Flow?

How can your choices construct not what happens, but how it happens? If we attend to the 'HOW' we can flow with more ease with the difficulty and challenge of the WHAT.

I'll be travelling back from my home in Switzerland to my home in Poole in February. Historically, when I lived in London, this was always a hard physical shift for my body and mind. Going from the majesty of mountains to busy grey streets and damp commutes took me to a low place of energy. We chose to move to Poole because the sea brings a quality of light and breadth of vision that does not deplete me in the same way as London did. I will be paying attention to see how my energy remains supported by the shift in landscape.

And, as always my learning curiosity is seeking out new stuff. This month it's being piqued by:

  • the neuroscience of change and what this means for coaching. I have a fast approaching decision as to whether I will enlist on a course with Coaches Rising or go for a self-study route

  • a conversation in group supervision in which we touched the surface of how our language orientation (auditory, visual, kinaesthetic) can help us find and lose flow with each other

  • confidence and how it really is quite a different experience for each of us, and what we can do to get more specific about how we talk about it

I'll leave you with this thought...

You cannot step into the same river twice - Heraclitus

Join me for Flow with Felicity and receive questions, resources, tips and quotes which will help you connect with your Flow and bring more of you and what you hope for into this world.

Wishing you well for February

Felicity x


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