The value of LESS: Stepping Aside | The Awareness of Pace | Perfectly Balanced or Hanging On?
My choice this month is to keep Flow with Felicity light on content. Two reasons sit behind that choice. Both align with the intention to show up honestly:
Firstly, what I choose to write about is inspired by my work with clients, so after a break from client work, I'm finding that i'm running low on inspiration.
Secondly, I could have pre-written this before my break, but I like sharing the energy of writing it in real-time. With 3 days between returning & publshing, I’m making the choice to not put myself under time pressure. I'm holding onto a slower pace of life for longer.
So, for this month, I’d like to offer you the value of LESS, not more.

This month, I ease in with what the month has been like for me along with an invitation to reflect on how you're flowing. I offer an insight and a reflection question.
At the bottom, you'll find the usual links to past content if you're looking for more - but before you go there, question what it is you really need. Do you need more or are you actually seeking less?
How are you Flowing?
Stepping Aside in August

I love August. For the past 5 years, it’s become a month when I take an extended break from everyday life. I spend time in my Swiss mountain home with Fi and life slims down to being in the awe-inspiring lush green beauty of outdoors. There’s time for deep life conversations encouraged by both the physicality of hiking & relaxing in the warmth on the balcony sofa.
It feels as if I have stepped to one side of the river of everyday life and am watching it pass by. I’m walking alongside a stream and I can see its flow is running faster than mine. I am struck by its sparkle, clarity and gentle burble. I can smell the water as it brushes past foliage, and can taste and feel it in the air. It’s peaceful in the cool calm air sheltered by the dark green of the pine trees. I am going slower, whilst life continues somewhere beyond.
It’s a wonderful place for putting aside the everyday. As well as serenity, we welcome in adventure: the stretch into something with a bit of unknown that takes me out of my comfort zone. To be amazed by what is possible by my body. It builds trust and confidence in my physical self; and brings focus to invest another year of time and effort in eating well and staying strong. Trusting my body matters. We plan adventures for the future that enhance this focus.
I get very attached to this serene space and dislike interruptions which pull me out of it. As we enter September I feel a reluctance to let it go. Whilst that reluctance brings with it a difficulty in finding my voice & rhythm, it also gives me a sense of space and calm. Others notice that it offers them ease.
What are you bringing from your summer into September?
What is your body memory of the last month?
What images or metaphors come to mind?
What can you let go of to allow more of something else to emerge?
What do you need for the month ahead?
The Insight
The Awareness of Pace
This is a time of year in which I think we become more aware of our pace.
The speed at which we are living life, or that it feels like life is demanding us to live.

When we have a break and re-enter our everyday lives, we see the pace of it more clearly. I believe we feel it more intensely because we are out of practice of living at the everyday pace. One client described it as shifting habits. When away on her break she switched out a daily meditation practice for chilling with wine and chips. Switching back to the cadence, rhythm and habits of our everyday life is clearly going to take some focus & practice.
Some people appear to do this faster, to be ready to hit the decks and smash it! That’s cool and so is easing in more slowly.
I’m a Reluctant Returner. I’ve learnt that I need to take time, starting with one to one connections to build my capacity for being with a larger group. To allow my mind and body to settle again in the reset rhythm..
Play around with what works for you & be conscious of your choices that increase pace. I've noticed with clients that the faster we get, we tend to load on more. Someone else this week mentioned needing habit breakers to disrupt this pattern to stop it becoming too fixed.
Instead of always looking for more to add, perhaps question what's the acceptable and bearable minimum?
Our choices impact our pace, and our pace impacts our choices. Choose the habits you are practicing and embedding into your everyday life.
How well does your 'return from break' transition strategy work? What choices do you make to impact the pace of your life?
The Reflection Question
>>> No further words needed. I'd love to hear what this brings up for you.

Want a more reqular top up?
If this month's content feels too light for you, follow me on LinkedIn. I will be back posting 3+ times a week (at some point in Sept!) so you can get a regular top up of what's new, life lessons & knowledge nuggets. For past content, check out:
Phil Richards - The opposite of fear is belief
Coach chemistry and/or intro session?
May International Coaching Week posts
Work with me: I'm always actively seeking clients like you who CARE.
Here are ways we can bend the river and bring more of the flow you want to your life and relationships
#Leaders #Entrepreneurs #businessowners
My EXPLORE coaching package is an ideal starting point for those keen to learn more about the motivations & driver which underpin your behaviour.
To support you with a long term shift towards the change you desire, I offer an 8hr EVOLVE package.
Want to try it out, but not 100% sure or budget feeling too restrictive? Check out my Change for Good coaching. You give £40 to charity and I give you 1hr of coaching.
Workplace Relationships:Â I work with pairs, usually founding partners / key C-suite relationships, on who you are together and we explore how your relationship can influence the culture of your organisation to support your strategic plans
#Coaches For ICF Mentor Coaching or Supervision - choose from individual hourly sessions, join Open Supervision or build your own group.
Not yet signed up for this? Know you won't miss out each month and give me the motivation to keep sharing by signing up here

So, what grabbed your interest?
Thank you for joining me this month. For all rave testimonials, typos, helpful feedback, conversations about working together, message me on LinkedIn or drop me an email:
What's resonated / helped with your current situation?
And, if this prompts you do something different and 'bend the river', I'd love to celebrate and support the changes you are making. Keep me in the loop :)